16 Jun

Succulents are plants adapted to living in dry environments and surviving by storing water in their roots, stems and leaves. All cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti. There are about 10,000 types of succulent plants of which about 2,000 are cacti.

How do I care for my new plant?

Light – Most plants need bright light and should have a couple of hours of direct sun a day, or very bright indirect light. If growing indoors, a southern window with bright light is best.

Soil – Plant in well-drained soil. You can use 1/3 premium potting soil + 1/3 large perlite or pumice + 1/3 coarse sand or fine gravel. Some people add a fungicide to the soil mixture. 

Water – Water when the soil is dry, as often as weekly during the growing season. Plants in clay pots will dry out faster than those in plastic or ceramic pots. Test with your finger or a moisture meter. Starting in the fall, begin to water every 3-4 weeks. In cooler months, some cacti should be kept completely dry during their dormancy period. Learn the individual needs for each of your plants.

Fertilizer – Fertilize only in the spring and summer with a low dose of product high in phosphorus. Any low nitrogen fertilizer used at ½ strength once a month is also recommended.

Temperature – Optimum temperatures are 75-90⁰F, avoiding frost. Provide plenty of air circulation if your plants are in a greenhouse. 

Containers - Need to match the volume of roots and have a drainage hole. Gravel can be used to top dress your plants. Plants in clay pots may need to be watered more often than plants in plastic or ceramic pots.

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